Description: Join us for our second special day of Golf and Non-Golf Activities to support the Maggie Jean Foundation. The foundation provides benefits to women and families recently suffering a lost pregnancy or infant, a stillbirth, or lost adoption. Our goal is to let no woman or family suffer alone. We do this by offering a "Box of Blessings". The boxes contain mementos, self-care products, faith-based journal/devotional, and bereavement resources. We are committed to delivering the boxes quickly and with no questions asked. The event proceeds will be used for the production/delivery of "Boxes of Blessings". Nancy and Paul Blanchard are the Co-Founders of the Maggie Jean Foundation. They experienced two miscarriages and a stillbirth, before having a daughter Jessica and son Joseph. The stillborn daughter, 22 weeks, was named Maggie Jean.
Location: Marshall Golf Club, 800 Country Club Drive, Marshall, MN 56258
Date: Aug. 8, 2022, 8 a.m.
Cost: $100.00